Minister: Revd Dr Margaret Goodall

Who/What are Methodists?

Stony Stratford Methodist Church is part of the Milton Keynes Circuit of Methodist churches, which in turn is part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. The Methodist Church encourages and values the active participation of lay members at all levels of its organisation.  

Methodism has long recognised and valued the contribution of  people from every walk of life and is welcoming of all without regard to nationality, ethnicity, gender or orientation 

Members of the Methodist Church seek to respond to God's love for the world as shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. To do this, people who call themselves Methodist try live out their discipleship through worship, learning & caring, service and evangelism.

For more information about:

The Milton Keynes Methodist Circuit visit:

The Methodist Church of Great Britain visit:

Services: January 2025

Services commence at 10.30 am unless stated otherwise

5 January: Mr Chris Linford 

12 January: Mr Derek Beaumont

19 January: Revd Margaret Goodall (Annual Covenant Service including Holy Communion)

26 January: Ms Marian Balance

Refreshments are available in the Church Hall after Communion Services.  Junior Church activities are available for younger members during the adult service.

For further information about worship and services in other Methodist Churches in the Milton Keynes area, plus other resources please see the MK Methodist Circuit website:


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